Social Media Marketing Is About Branding, Not Selling
Social Media Marketing Is About Branding, Not Selling
reBlog: ScotLandSeo Blog
"There is more proof around today that search engine marketing can be a useful branding tool. What about social media marketing? There is still a lot of doubt surrounding social media marketing and sales, particularly when it comes to measuring that all important ROI. It is difficult enough to determine the value of branding in straight monetary terms – however, that is often the real problem – not the marketing."
reBlog: ScotLandSeo Blog
"There is more proof around today that search engine marketing can be a useful branding tool. What about social media marketing? There is still a lot of doubt surrounding social media marketing and sales, particularly when it comes to measuring that all important ROI. It is difficult enough to determine the value of branding in straight monetary terms – however, that is often the real problem – not the marketing."
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