Using Twitter for Real Estate Business - New Web Tool
Using Twitter for Real Estate Business - New Web Tool
Real Estate and Social Media go hand-in-hand in today's market. As more and more Real Estate Industry Professionals jump on the Twitter, FaceBook and Social Media wagons, it's important...no, critical that you understand why and how to use these tools for your Real Estate Business.
Real Estate and Social Media go hand-in-hand in today's market. As more and more Real Estate Industry Professionals jump on the Twitter, FaceBook and Social Media wagons, it's important...no, critical that you understand why and how to use these tools for your Real Estate Business.
"While some social media gurus will tell you to jump into social media, get a feel for it and adapt, we encourage seeking out and implementing tools that track your use because we’re not here to play, we’re here to do business." Lani Rosales~
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