Effective Ways to Promote Your Startup (Cheaply)
reBlog by Matt Heaton: BigStartUps.com
There's a few useful sites free sites to submit your new startup that I've seen generate a fair amount of traffic or other benefit. The vast, vast majority of directory sites are just a waste of time, they won't get you traffic and have next to no SEO value either.
(currently the largest source of new visitors for BigStartups)
Oh and of course add it to http://bigstartups.com
There's a few useful sites free sites to submit your new startup that I've seen generate a fair amount of traffic or other benefit. The vast, vast majority of directory sites are just a waste of time, they won't get you traffic and have next to no SEO value either.
(currently the largest source of new visitors for BigStartups)
Oh and of course add it to http://bigstartups.com
Posted by Matt Heaton on Oct, 26, 2009
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