VirtualREBarCamp a One Day, All-Day, Online Real Estate BarCamp
reBlog from JimmyZ57: The Real Estate Tomato

What is it? VirtualREBarCamp is a One Day, All-Day, Online Real Estate BarCamp. The REBarCamp phenomenon has exploded over the last year with dozens of in-real-life gatherings where the real estate community comes together to discuss and demystify the current trends in technology and marketing. The goal of VirtualREBarCamp is to bring this experience to you as opposed to having to bring yourself to it. – In place of a rented venue, we'll be holding the event online.– In place of break-out sessions in rooms, we'll we have simultaneous webinars, all day.– In place of the hallways, we will be chatting on Twitter, Facebook, Backnoise and TomatoChat.– In place of traveling you'll be able to attend from the comfort of your home or office.– In place of an impromptu calendar, we will be filling presentation slots all month.
JimmyZ57, The Real Estate Tomato, Oct 2009

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